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China Reclassifies Dogs as Pets Instead of Livestock

Accepted submission by takyon at 2020-04-10 19:55:20

China reclassifies dogs as pets instead of livestock []

China's Ministry of Agriculture issued new guidelines Wednesday that reclassify dogs as pets instead of livestock, part of the country's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"As far as dogs are concerned, along with the progress of human civilization and the public concern and love for animal protection, dogs have been 'specialized' to become companion animals ... and they will not be regulated as livestock in China," the notice said.

The coronavirus is believed to have originated in horseshoe bats, which may have passed the disease to other wildlife species for sale in the markets of Wuhan, where the virus was first detected.

Following the outbreak, China banned the breeding, trading and consumption of wildlife.

Also at Reuters [].

Original Submission