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Coronavirus: 'Murder Threats' to Telecoms Engineers Over 5G

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2020-04-23 14:25:43

BBC []:

Telecoms engineers have told Radio 1 Newsbeat they're being threatened and harassed by people who believe they're working on 5G, which has been wrongly linked to coronavirus.

Claims about any link have been branded complete rubbish [] by scientists.

But the union and trade body representing thousands of workers across the UK say they've had around 120 cases of abuse reported to them.

The reports have included threats of extreme violence.

"We've actually had cases where people have been threatened with being stabbed, threatened with physical violence and in some cases actually threatened with murder," says Andy Kerr, deputy general secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU).

Tough sledding for the engineers, but concerns about 5G have been raised prior to the coronavirus. Are they justified?

Original Submission