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Video: California Doctors Debunk Covid-19 Media Hysteria - Global Research

Rejected submission by upstart at 2020-05-04 08:57:40

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Video: California Doctors Debunk Covid-19 Media Hysteria - Global Research []:

Two doctors, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care, which offers Bakersfield’s only private walk-in COVID-19 testing site, held a press conference on April 22 to report their conclusions about COVID-19 test results. The doctors said that 12% of Californians tested so far have been infected. Extrapolating that to the general population, they estimated that as many as 5 million Californians have likely contracted the virus. They then used the total number of COVID-19 deaths statewide (roughly 1,200, as of last week) to calculate a death rate of just 0.03% — similar to the average death rate from seasonal flu. The media conference is in Bakersfield in Kern County, California.

Fauci, himself, stated in an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine that it was possible that Covid-19 would turn out to have a similar impact as that of the seasonal flu. See article below.

Dr. Fauci: COVID-19 May Turn Out To Be Like A Bad Flu Season []

Since the first video above sometimes does not play on FaceBook, due to bandwidth issues or whatever, this video has also been uploaded to Bitchute. Bitchute also sometimes has problems. Hopefully, one or the other video will always play for you. Don’t worry about these videos going away. I will always find another copy and post it here.

California Doctors Debunk Covid-19 Media Hysteria – Bitchute []

There was a 30-minute each part 1 and part 2 posted on YouTube, which has caused some confusion that part 2 may be missing. This hour-long video is both parts 1 and 2 combined.


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