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U.S. Government Proposed Manipulating CDC Guidelines to Avoid Mask Shortages: Whistleblower

Accepted submission by upstart at 2020-05-16 14:15:51

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U.S. Government Proposed Manipulating CDC Guidelines to Avoid Mask Shortages: Whistleblower []:

The U.S. government proposed manipulating information about whether N95 masks worked to fight the spread of coronavirus in the general public, according to Dr. Richard Bright, a whistleblower who testified publicly for the first time on Thursday. The deception was an effort to avoid shortages and keep masks available for U.S. health care workers, but likely had a ripple effect throughout the country, leaving many people to believe that all masks are useless or even harmful during a pandemic. Bright’s testimony is the first confirmation from a high-ranking official that the U.S. government actively sought to distribute incorrect information about N95 masks during the covid-19 pandemic.

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