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States are Reopening: See How Coronavirus Cases Rise or Fall

Accepted submission by upstart at 2020-06-07 23:18:03

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States Are Reopening: See How Coronavirus Cases Rise or Fall []:

SourcesThe COVID Tracking Project [], National Governors Association [], CDC COVID-19 Module [], CDC FluView []

Notes Exact restrictions and rules for each state vary considerably, and counties or even cities may have their own rules in place. It has recently become clear [] that some states are combining different types of tests, which may make their positive test numbers appear better than they would otherwise. Here are more details on the five metrics we chose:

  • Positive tests per 100K people: A seven-day moving average of the number of positive tests, adjusted for population. We show an arrow representing the trend over the last two weeks. This metric comes from White House guidelines, and the data is updated daily.
  • Percentage of tests that are positive: A seven-day moving average of the percentage of total tests that are positive. We show an arrow representing the trend over the last two weeks. This metric comes from White House guidelines, and the data is updated daily.
  • Tests per 100K people per day: A seven-day moving average of the number of total tests, adjusted for population. We show a goal of 100 tests per 100,000 people per day. That number is taken from statements by the White House [] suggesting 30 tests per 1,000 people per month as a target. While there have been several targets put forward by both the White House and public health experts for what would make a sufficient number of tests, our metric takes the White House’s 30 tests per 1,000 people per month target and uses it to derive a minimum daily goal. This data is updated daily.
  • ICU bed availability: The percentage of intensive care beds in the state’s hospitals that are available. The White House’s guidelines say that states should be able to “treat patients without crisis care.” We’ve chosen to use ICU bed availability to track this criteria. We show a goal of 30% availability, which is taken from the target set by New York state. This data comes from a subset of facilities in each state that report this information to the CDC, and it is updated daily.
  • Hospital visits for flu-like illness: The percentage of patient visits to health care providers for influenza-like illness. We show an arrow representing the trend over the last two weeks. This metric comes from White House guidelines. The data comes from a subset of facilities in each state that report this information to the CDC and is updated weekly.

Original Submission