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Ten Years Of The Sun In One Hour – Nasa Releases Mesmerising Space Film

Accepted submission by chromas at 2020-07-01 12:47:32

Ten Years Of The Sun In One Hour – Nasa Releases Mesmerising Space Film []:

Nasa’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has gathered 425 million high-resolution images of the sun, from its launch in February 2010 until June this year, which have now been stitched together to form the video.

While the 20 million gigabytes of picture data captured over the decade have contributed to “countless new discoveries about the workings” of the sun, according to Nasa, the images have now been arranged into a 61-minute video showing events including transiting planets and eruptions.

The film shows the major changes the sun undergoes during a solar cycle, an approximately 11-year period which sees the sun’s north and south poles flip, and the emergence of sunspots as a result of gas altering the star’s magnetic fields.

Every second of the 61-minute video represents images taken over a single day, with the first frame showing the sun on 2 June 2010, and the last frame captured on 1 June 2020.

YouTube video []

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