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Tesla driver blames Autopilot for crash, faces negligent driving charge

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2020-07-01 19:06:29 from the keep your eyes on the road dept.
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A Massachusetts man is facing a negligent-driving charge after his Tesla slammed into a police car that was parked by the side of the road. According to a state trooper, the man had Tesla's Autopilot technology turned on and said that he "must not have been paying attention." The crash occurred in December, but the defendant, Nicholas Ciarlone, was only recently charged in the incident.
Tesla is aiming to build a more sophisticated self-driving system that fully understands the surrounding environment. Hopefully, Tesla's "full self-driving" software will eventually detect a situation like this and respond appropriately. But as of at least last December, the technology seems to still be a work in progress.

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