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Microsoft to Auto Upgrade Some Business and Education PCs to Chromium Edge in August

Accepted submission by chromas at 2020-07-02 17:16:43
Microsoft to auto upgrade some business and education PCs to Chromium Edge in August []

Microsoft this week warned enterprise and education customers running Windows 10 that it will start replacing the old, original Edge browser on their PCs with the newer Chromium-based version on or after July 30.

First to get the forced swap will be machines in educational settings, Microsoft said, citing back-to-school scheduling for the prioritization. (Many K-12 schools, along with colleges and universities, are saying, "We will share a business timeline at a later date," wrote Elliot Kirk, senior program manager with the Edge team, in a July 30 post [] to a company blog.)

According to Kirk, PCs serviced by Windows Update will be automatically upgraded to the Chromium Edge. "This update will not impact devices in education and business updated by Windows Update for Business (WUfB) or by Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)," he asserted.

[...] Organizations that want to stymie this effort can use the Blocker Toolkit for Edge-to-Edge released in December 2019. The kit, which can be downloaded directly from here in .exe format [], blocks Windows Update delivery of the new Edge. It does not prevent students or workers from manually obtaining the Chromium-based Edge. This support document [], last revised June 30, covers the Toolkit.

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