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Microsoft Release Open-Source Process Monitor for Linux

Accepted submission by DECbot at 2020-07-17 18:01:34 from the micro$oft-please-stop-breaking-my-world-view dept.

Michael Larabel writes in Phoronix [] about Microsoft's new open-source process monitor for Linux:

Microsoft's newest open-source Linux software is ProcMon for Linux, a rewritten and re-imagined version of its Processor Monitor found on Windows within their Sysinternals suite.
Microsoft's ProcMon tool is a C++-written, open-source process monitor for Linux that makes it convenient to trace system call activity. This ProcMon Linux version is open-source under an MIT license.
Microsoft released the source code to their ProcMon Linux version on Thursday and is marked as a 1.0 preview release. Microsoft is also making available a Debian/Ubuntu package of this preview build.

The Phoronix article includes a gif demonstrating ProcMon. To my amateur eyes, this looks like htop without the resource monitoring and instead has some stack tracing capabilities. Has anybody given Microsoft's ProcMon a test drive? What are your thoughts?

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