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iOS 14 privacy settings will tank ad targeting business, Facebook warns

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2020-08-26 22:06:06 from the better late than never dept.
Mobile []

Facebook is warning developers that privacy changes in an upcoming iOS update will severely curtail its ability to track users' activity across the entire Internet and app ecosystem and prevent the social media platform from serving targeted ads to users inside other, non-Facebook apps on iPhones.

The next version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 14, is expected to hit an iPhone near you this fall. Along with its many new consumer-facing features [], iOS 14 requires app developers to notify users if their app collects a unique device code, known as an IDFA (ID for Advertisers).
The changes requiring users to opt in make the IDFA essentially useless, Facebook warned developers [] today. Facebook apps on iOS 14—which includes Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, and a host of others—will no longer collect users' IDFA.

When I read that, I had an inexplicable grin come to my face.

Original Submission