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Mountain Lion Baby Boom: Summer is Roaring Success as 13 Kittens Born Near LA

Rejected submission by upstart at 2020-09-05 01:59:21

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Mountain lion baby boom: summer is roaring success as 13 kittens born near LA []:

A mountain lion baby boom has occurred this summer in the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills west of Los Angeles.

Thirteen kittens were born to five mountain lion mothers between May and August, according to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

It’s the first time so many mountain lion dens have been found within such a short period of time during the 18 years in which the region’s cougar population has been studied by the National Park Service.

SUMMER OF KITTENS! 🐱 It’s been one mountain lion kitten den after another for biologists in the Santa Monica Mountains & Simi Hills. In total, 13 kittens were born to 5 moms between May-Aug 2020! []. #santamonicamountains [] []

— Santa Monica Mtns (@SantaMonicaMtns) September 2, 2020 []

The most dens found previously in one year was four, spread across 10 months in 2015.

Biologists visit dens while the mothers are away to perform health checks on kittens, determine sexes and apply ear tags.

California family find mountain lion lounging in their bathroomRead more []

“This level of reproduction is a great thing to see, especially since half of our mountains burned almost two years ago during the Woolsey fire,” Jeff Sikich, a wildlife biologist, said in a statement.

“It will be interesting to see how these kittens use the landscape in the coming years and navigate the many challenges, both natural and human-caused, they will face as they grow older and disperse.”

The study is looking into how the big cats survive in habitat fragmented by urbanization amid threats including lack of genetic diversity, roadway deaths and poisons. They largely avoid people [].

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