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Independent Journalist Ford Fischer is Temporarily Banned From Facebook for Reporting on Armed Prote

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Independent Journalist Ford Fischer is Temporarily Banned from Facebook for Reporting on Armed Protests - Big League Politics []:

On Saturday, independent journalist Ford Fischer was banned from Facebook after he livestreamed footage of a contentious armed protests on the monolithic social media platform.

Fischer, who regularly publishes raw video from protests through his News2Share outlet on various social media platforms, noted that he was banned after finishing a livestream of a contentious militia rally in Louisville, Ky.

I am a journalist, verified on Facebook. Today I spent the entire day covering various armed groups throughout Louisville.

As I just finished a livestream, I tried to log in and it appears @Facebook [] deleted my account. []


— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) September 5, 2020 []

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Fischer tried to appeal Facebook’s capricious ban of his verified account, but his efforts were initially to no avail as he was kept off of the platform a full day.

I use the @BoxCast [] app to livestream to both Twitter and Facebook.

I didn’t receive any email or notification from Facebook; my account literally just outright vanished.

Boxcast seems to have sent this automatically when it happened. []

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) September 5, 2020 []

The libertarian reporter noted that he was not at the rally to support extremist political violence, but was there to perform his journalist duty to inform the public about what exactly was taking place at the event.

As you can see from the rest of the thread, there’s no explanation given whatsoever.

However, my last post on Facebook today was basically the same as this one: one of these photos and a comment about how dangerous these events I cover are when people don’t handle guns safely. []

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) September 5, 2020 []

Fischer noted that he has been attached by other major tech platforms before, but Facebook’s decision to remove him from their platform completely is without precedent.

I should note: Youtube demonetized me last year. I spent seven months constantly nudging them online to fix it, and they ultimately admitted their mistake.

This is much worse. It is how I talk to my family and friends, as well as cover news. 10 years of life photos.

Devastated. []

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) September 6, 2020 []

However, after significant push back from Fischer’s significant Twitter following, Facebook caved and let him back on the platform.

While Facebook never informed me why this happened, this was my last post before Facebook deleted my account.

Presumably, @Facebook [] mistook me writing about gun violence as me somehow endorsing or participating in it.

Facebook needs to fix this.

Algorithms cannot judge humans. []

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) September 6, 2020 []

Big League Politics has reported on how Facebook is ramping up their thought control operation heading into November’s election, updating their terms of service [] so they can arbitrarily throw any content off of their platform for basically any reason:

Facebook has announced an October surprise in the form of a new policy that will come into place just weeks before the November election.

“We also can remove or restrict access to your content, services or information if we determine that doing so is reasonably necessary to avoid or mitigate adverse legal or regulatory impacts to Facebook,” the new terms of service read…

This new policy will allow Facebook to capriciously censor content from Trump supporters in the lead up to this year’s presidential election. It is another encroachment in the real electoral interference conspiracy coming from the Silicon Valley tech giants…

Facebook is trying to use their monopoly power, granted to them under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act [], to influence elections. They are more dangerous to democracy than the Russians could ever hope to be.

Facebook’s targeting of Fischer, a non-partisan reporter who mostly publishes live video coverage of events, shows that their censorship crusade is about far more than eliminating so-called hate speech. It is about silencing all competitors of the corporate media so globalist schemes can be protected.

Show Comments 舠BLM” to the search results in competitors Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo:

Google search suggestions for "BLM is " compared to Yahoo, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Spot the difference! []

— Allum Bokhari (@LibertarianBlue) September 1, 2020 []

take our poll - story continues belowDid Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense?

  • VOTE NOW: Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense when he shot three BLM rioters?
  • Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense when he shot 3 BLM rioters?*
    • Yes, his life was in danger.
    • No, his safety wasn’t threatened by an armed attacker.
  • EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Completing this poll grants you access to Big League Politics updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Other Twitter users reported that Google’s algorithm failed and actually let the authentic results through, before the glitch was quickly corrected by the tech giant:

Aaaaannnnd it's gone. [] []

— L (@SomeBitchIKnow) August 31, 2020 []

Aaaaaand it's gone. gOoGle Is UnBiAsEd []

— (@thedonalddotwin) August 31, 2020 []

A Google spokesperson has admitted that they manipulate their algorithms but failed to comment on whether or not they are manipulating them in reference to Black Lives Matter.

“Autocomplete is a feature that saves you time by predicting the query you may be typing, and we have systems in place to prevent potentially policy-violating predictions from appearing,” said a Google spokeswoman to Breitbart.

“Whether or not a prediction appears, you can still search for whatever you want on Google. We don’t and would never modify our products or enforce our policies in any way to promote or disadvantage any particular political ideology, viewpoint or candidate,” she added.

Big League Politics has reported [] on Google throwing right-wing news entities off of their ad platform to punish outlets that criticized Black Lives Matter:

Tech behemoth Google has banned ZeroHedge and The Federalist [] from their advertisement platform following a complaint made by NBC News.

“We have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on and explicitly prohibit derogatory content that promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race from monetizing,” a spokesperson for Google wrote about the decision to censor. “When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google.”

The NBC News Verification Unit lobbied Google to punish the news sites because they carried content that was less than flattering about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) terror movement. Any dissent from the black dominance riots must be crushed for the sake of the cultural revolution that is being fomented by institutional power.

The supposed evidence used to justify the banning of these conservative websites from receiving Google ad revenue comes from research compiled by the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a British-based special interest group that agitates for Big Brother censorship.

“We found that lots of those companies are inadvertently funding through their advertising content that is outright racist in defense of white supremacism and contains conspiracy theories about George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement,” said Imran Ahmed, who is CEO of the thought control organization.

Google has thus far donated “$12 million in funding to organizations working to address racial inequities,” showing that they are fully behind the anti-civilizational movement terrorizing the streets. They are now trying to punish independent media outlets that are combating the left-wing narrative pushed by multinational corporations.

Google is openly collaborating with the enemies of Western Civilization and should lose their Section 230 privileges [] for their lack of patriotism.

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