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California Offshore Winds Show Promise as Power Source

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2020-09-08 23:50:06

ScienceDaily []:

As California aims to provide 60% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030 and 100% by 2045, a study from California Polytechnic State University provides some good news. Offshore winds along the Central Coast increase at the same time that people start using more energy -- in the evening.
The greatest wind speeds, which would produce the most energy, are found farther from the coast. Most existing offshore wind farms are installed close to shore in shallow water less than 160 feet deep. However, several floating wind farms in deeper water farther from shore are now in operation in Europe, with more in the planning stages.

"Floating offshore wind farms are now a proven technology and game-changer in many respects," Walter said. "These floating platforms make offshore wind farms a new reality in many locations, with a single turbine having the potential to power more than 10,000 homes."

Can offshore wind farms prevent brownouts as California suffers record heat waves?

Original Submission