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Nobel Prize Winner Says the Universe Has Gone Through Multiple Big Bangs

Accepted submission by upstart at 2020-10-11 08:05:36

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Nobel Prize winner says the universe has gone through multiple Big Bangs []:

When it comes to how the universe started, science holds that the universe began in what’s known as the Big Bang. Many have wondered over the years what the end of the universe will be like. A 2020 Nobel Prize winner in physics named Sir Roger Penrose believes that the universe goes through cycles of death and rebirth.

He believes [] that there have been multiple Big Bangs and that more will happen. Penrose points to black holes as holding clues to the existence of previous universes. Sir Roger Penrose is a mathematician and physicist from the University of Oxford, and he believes in the future there will be another Big Bang. Penrose won the Nobel Prize for working on mathematical methods proving and expanding Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

His work on black holes also helped him win the prestigious award showing that objects that become too dense undergo gravitational collapse into singularities, which are points of infinite mass. He believes that the universe will expand until all matter ultimately decays, and a new Big Bang will bring a new universe into existence.

He calls his theory, “conformal cyclic cosmology.” Penrose says he discovered six “warm” sky points known as “Hawking Points” first discovered by the late Prof. Stephen Hawking. Hawking believed that black holes leak radiation and eventually will evaporate. That evaporation could take longer than the current age of the universe, according to the scientist.

Penrose believes that we can observe what he calls dead black holes left by past universes. If he’s correct, it would validate some of Hawking’s theories. The theory is controversial, and like many theories, it may never be proven to be true or false. If he is right, the universe we know will one day explode, and a new one will come into existence.

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