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'Minecraft' Meets 'Doom' in 'Doomed: Demons of the Nether'

Rejected submission by upstart at 2020-10-26 09:34:52

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after pregancy tests, Doom runs now in Minecraft... sortof...

'Minecraft' Meets 'Doom' in 'Doomed: Demons of the Nether' []:

(Image: Sibogy)

Doom [] is playable on just about everything, including a pregnancy test []. But what about in everything? What about, specifically, in Minecraft []?

Thanks to the efforts of creator Sibogy, that's now possible as well. With Doomed: Demons of the Nether, Doom comes to the most popular sandbox game of all time: Minecraft.

Doomed: Demons of the Nether is very much a work in progress, but it's an extremely promising one. In the two gameplay videos available via the mod's page on Planet Minecraft [], we can see the desolate hellscape of mars coming together as well as the demons just asking to be destroyed.

The project even brings a different sort of purpose to what you'd normally be doing in Minecraft. You won't have to worry about finding the right color of keycard to enter the next area, but you'll have to wipe out hordes of enemies, Serious Sam-style, if you want to proceed to another demon-infested area.

It's impressive, to be sure, but don't call it a mod. According to creator Sibogy, this certifiably amazing-looking work is the work of command and resource packs only, "100% no mods." They project may have reached just around 60% completion thus far, but it's extremely promising and merits keeping an eye on for the foreseeable future.

Rip and tear, until you're out of blocks.

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