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Samsung’s Next-gen OLED Panels Could Upgrade to Five-figure Pixel Densities

Accepted submission by upstart at 2020-10-27 08:49:47

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Samsung’s next-gen OLED panels could upgrade to five-figure pixel densities []:

A new paper [] in the journal Science describes a new and revolutionary type of OLED [] panel. It may boost the material's pixel counts, brightness and general quality by a significant margin, thanks to a Samsung [] Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) scientist's idea to apply the latest in photonics for solar panels

This research has resulted in the development of a new kind of reflective bottom layer for these devices. They are made of metal processed to exhibit a specific texture at the nanoscopic level. These “corrugations” [] harness recent breakthroughs in the understanding of how light behaves at the same scale

This, according to Stanford physics researcher Mark Brongersma, includes [] an ability “to flow around objects such as water”. In other words, the new metal “backplate” (or “optical metasurface”, as it is technically known) should deliver light to the rest of a given solar panel [] with as much efficiency as possible.

When Won-jae Joo from SAIT attended a presentation on this concept at the same university, he saw that it might have potential for OLED [] technology as well. Accordingly, Brongersma, Joo and several other SAIT, Stanford and Hanyang University (in Seoul, South Korea) scientists collaborated on a project [] to develop a new form of the panel type that integrated the same metasurface.

The group reported that the resulting panel had advantages [] over conventional displays such as those found in the high-end phones [] or TVs [] of today. For example, this material may require pixels placed at different “heights” within a panel as it is fabricated, according to the different wavelengths of light they emit to produce their colors.

The new “meta-OLED” removes the need for this, however, thus giving it an edge in terms of the ease and economy of producing it. However, and probably more importantly, the experimental panel's pixels [] had a “higher color purity and a twofold increase in luminescence efficiency” compared to regular OLED. These results also translated to a density of about 10,000 [] pixels per inch (ppi). For context, even the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra [] has one of just under 500 ppi.

On the other hand, the Science paper's authors base these findings [] on a relatively small prototype panel. However, SAIT appears confident that it can be scaled up quickly and easily. Therefore, we might see this ultra-dense, color-rich and bright new form of OLED [] in real-world devices fairly soon.

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