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There is No Alt-Right

Rejected submission by upstart at 2020-11-02 09:13:09

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There is no Alt-Right []:

How then to proceed? By process of elimination, we are left with looking at the influential figures that are said to be Alt-Right. While there are no elected representatives or anything like that, one could point to various high-profile (high-profile in real life and/or Twitter) personalities that are part of the movement. It was at this point that it dawned upon me that there is no Alt-Right. Obviously, there is an Alt-Right, in the sense that: (A) a lot of people claim to be of the Alt-Right; (B) people talking about ideas that are not, or have never been, part of the Right, and in fact are at odds with the right-wingers, or at the very least, their spokesmen; (C) many of these ideas have metastasized into coherent philosophies about politics, in the narrower sense, or life, in the broader sense; (D) and, as a result, various personalities on the Alt-Right can and do point to coherent ideological frameworks that have been constructed to house the Alt-Right. But therein lies the rub: it would only be slight hyperbole to state that every major personality on the Alt-Right has developed, with intellectual vigor and fulsome thought, his own Alt-Right. And, while they are all alternatives to the current Right (the neo-conservatives or the social conservatives or the fiscal conservatives etc.) they are each a different alternative.

Original Submission