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Thousands of Cars Form Lines to Collect Food in Texas

Accepted submission by upstart at 2020-11-16 05:09:25

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Thousands of cars form lines to collect food in Texas []:

Thousands of cars form lines to collect food in Texas

North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) [] distributed more than 600,000 pounds of food for about 25,000 people on Saturday, according to spokeswoman Anna Kuruan. There were 7,280 turkeys distributed to families, Kuruan told CNN.

Photos provided by NTFB show thousands of cars lined up for NTFB's Drive-Thru Mobile Pantry at Fair Park. Kuruan said the need for food "has certainly increased" with the pandemic, with Texas last week becoming the first US state [] to report 1 million cases of coronavirus.

"Forty percent of the folks coming through our partners doors are doing so for the first time," she said.

"I see blessings coming to us cause we all struggling. And I appreciate North Texas helping us out," Dallas resident Samantha Woods told CNN affiliate KTVT [] as she waited in her vehicle.

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