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Sweden Stages Coronavirus U-turn, Banning Public Events With More Than Eight People

Rejected submission by upstart at 2020-11-16 21:19:09

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Sweden stages coronavirus U-turn, banning public events with more than eight people []:


But in a dramatic U-turn on Monday, new restrictions will no longer be a recommendation but enshrined in law as part of Sweden’s Public Order Act, which means there will be harsh penalties for violating them. Lawbreakers could face fines or up to six months in prison.

The restriction is aimed at public events such as sporting events and concerts and doesn’t extend to private gatherings.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told citizens: “It’s going to get worse. Do your duty and take responsibility to stop the spread of infection.

“There should not be social situations with more than eight people even if they are not formally affected by the law. This is the new norm for the whole society, for all of Sweden. Don’t go to the gym. Don’t go to the library. Don’t have dinners. Don’t have parties. Cancel.”


Previously, events had been limited to 50 and then relaxed to 300 in some situations, although different regions implement different restrictions.

The infection rate peaked at 5,764 new daily cases on Nov. 11, according to the . It also shows there are 177, 355 cases in total on Nov. 16. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 6,164 deaths among Sweden’s population of 10 million, according to Worldometers, which peaked at 115 a day in April.

from the ∅∅psie dept.

Original Submission