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Here's Yet Another Reason Why You Really Should Start Using Better Passwords

Accepted submission by at 2020-12-05 10:53:23 from the it's just the letter A dept.
Here's yet another reason why you really should start using better passwords []: [] analysed over 15 billion passwords from users around the world, finding out some intriguing details about exactly what users from different countries use to create supposedly strong logins.

Examining what letters and number made up the passwords, the company was able to extrapolate a lot of information, including the most popular cities, sports teams, and even swear words.

[...] Interestingly, of the 15,212,645,925 passwords examined by the company, only 2,217,015,490 were unique, raising questions about the security habits of users around the world.

CyberNews flagged that the majority of passwords used had eight or fewer characters, potentially making them easier to guess, with the company urging users to create long, strong passwords, or use a password manager.

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