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OUCH: Heritage Foundation Gets Roasted for Opposing Pardon for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Big League Politics [bigleaguepolitics.com]:
The Heritage Foundation is getting lambasted on social media after calling for the deep state persecution of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
They are lying saying wikileaks caused deaths. The US attorneys have sworn under oath that they have no evidence of that whatsoever.
Please ratio them to hell
— Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
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Heritage is attempting to trick conservatives into opposing Assange and supporting the deep state, despite the fact that President Donald Trump has been helped by WikiLeaks revelations [bigleaguepolitics.com] and the so-called intelligence community has routinely broken laws [bigleaguepolitics.com] to hamper Trump’s presidency.
Unfortunately for this beltway ‘America Last’ policy organization, conservatives are no longer buying what they are selling. American patriots have left the reservation and are no longer controllable with hollow propaganda from the military-industrial complex.
If Assange deserves to face the full legal consequences, then so does every single journalist and reporter from every news network that releases and reports on leaked information. If there are no indictments at Fox, CNN, NYTimes, WAPO, etc, then Assange needs to be set free.
— (っ◔◡◔)っ Jason (@JasonTLouis) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
We get it, you guys hate real journalism.
— Margarine-/k/rampus (@TheUnaButters) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
"we support a free and open press – as long as it doesn't report on neocon war crimes"
— LiberalDelusion (@Liberalism1984) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
Assange is literally the only publisher to never have to rescind a story though?
And @washingtonpost [twitter.com] is *still* praised for The Pentagon Papers…
Doesn't get more "free & open" than that
— Eric Myers ❤️⏳🇺🇸🎄 (@eericmyers) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
"We support a free and open press" pic.twitter.com/u8VZ06xFkG [t.co]
— ⓘ Disputed Monika (@still_monika) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
Assange is privy to information that would rock D.C., so I'm sure I know why this sentiment is being passed around.
— Patriot Covfefe (@zoochum) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
That article is full of smears, disinformation and presents no evidences for the arguments. Julian Assange did not reveal secrets, he revealed crimes. pic.twitter.com/9Bf0RfZmRz [t.co]
— 🎗 Samuel Portela 🍀 #CloversForAssange (@samuel_portela) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
Communist Heritage. There, fixed it.
— 🇻🇦President-Elect Pope St. Pius X Says 🎄 (@therealjoshmc) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
This is why this entire generation is just going to leave the republican party.
— Patriot Party Precinct Captain JDA (@jondelarroz) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
Heritage is selling America out on far more than just national security issues. They are also in the back pocket of Big Tech, spreading propaganda to confuse conservatives so Google can continue their monopolistic practices.
Big League Politics reported last year on a segment [bigleaguepolitics.com] from Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that exposed Heritage as the bought-off neocon fraud operation that it is:
Fox News host Tucker Carlson blistered the Conservative Inc. front groups that are in bed with Big Tech on Friday, pointing out how well-funded conservative organizations defend Big Tech’s right to censor with special privileges granted to them under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
He blasted the Heritage Foundation, one of the longest standing free market thinktanks in Washington D.C., for carrying water for the left-wing corporate monoliths.
“As an organization, Heritage no longer represents the interests of conservatives, at least on the question of tech,” Carlson said.
Carlson also criticized Heritage for defending “the special privileges that Congress has given to left-wing Silicon Valley monopolies” because they commissioned a white paper arguing that the free market will solve the problem of Draconian censorship of conservatives by Big Tech.
The Heritage Foundation struck back [thehill.com] against Carlson on Saturday, issuing a statement claiming that his segment contained “several false, outrageous, and unfounded accusations.”
“Rather than engage in a substantive policy debate, he chose instead to make ad hominem attacks and question our integrity. We are disappointed this came from someone whom we admire and respect,” said Heritage Foundation Vice President of Communications Rob Bluey.
Bluey wrote in the statement that Carlson “failed to acknowledge Heritage experts’ consistent criticism of technology companies” and defended the work of his organization as being “based on the principles that guide all of our policy recommendations.”
Heritage also claimed that “Carlson did not contact us in advance of his segment or provide Heritage with an opportunity to respond to his accusations.”
While Heritage may claim that the private sector will protect the rights of conservatives, the facts indicate otherwise. The free market is doing nothing to protect digital speech, and as a matter of fact, powerful market forces are colluding to enact Big Brother.
Koch and Soros operatives plotted the most effective ways [bigleaguepolitics.com] to privately enforce the Orwellian Nightmare during a bipartisan conference earlier this year.
President Trump deserves kudos for forcing the hand of groups like Heritage. These Chamber of Koch style organizations have lost an astounding amount of prestige during his time in the Oval Office.
Show Comments 舠No. The military will not be “deployed” to re-run an election. It’s time for this to be shut down, and now. Gen. Flynn has lost his moral authority to be taken seriously, and the GOP needs to stand up to it. #RestoreOurGOP.”
This ridiculous comment is what prompted Gen. Flynn to smack down Kitzinger:
Study your history and the constitution.
take our poll - story continues belowDid Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense?
- VOTE NOW: Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense when he shot three BLM rioters?
- Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense when he shot 3 BLM rioters?*
- Yes, his life was in danger.
- No, his safety wasn’t threatened by an armed attacker.
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— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) December 18, 2020 [twitter.com]
Kitzinger is shaking in his boots because Gen. Flynn’s strength is starting to resonate with patriots in the Republican Party who have had enough of tolerating blatant fraud.
Big League Politics reported [bigleaguepolitics.com] earlier this week about Virginia state senator Amanda Chase, who is an early GOP gubernatorial frontrunner, embracing Gen. Flynn’s martial law plan to hold a new election to replace the bogus unconstitutional farce that took place in November:
Virginia Pro-2nd Amendment state senator Amanda Chase is calling for President Donald Trump to declare martial law to combat voter fraud.
“The American people aren’t fools,” Chase wrote in a Facebook post aimed at “president-elect” Joe Biden. “We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results. Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never.”
“It’s not over yet,” she added. “So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede. President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn.”
Chase explained how Democrats gamed the rules to essentially legalize cheating beforehand as they attempted to stage one of the most audacious and despicable crimes in political history.
“Here in Virginia the Democrats legalized cheating at the ballot box to win – all under the guise of covid,” she said. “The Virginia Democrat Majority repealed voter ID laws, eliminated witness signatures and allowed voters to drop off sacred ballots in unsecured ballot boxes throughout the state, destroying the integrity and chain of custody of our ballots. In many other states this would be illegal.”
Chase explained that she intends to fight back for her country against the corrupt swamp that is at war with the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution.
“I’m currently working with The Virginia Project and Sidney Powell to expose what I and other believe is extensive fraud here in Virginia. We need attorneys, auditors and anyone willing to help with the cause to reach out. We cannot allow them to get away with this,” she said.
The RINOs are going extinct and do not know how to react. They should just get out of the way as the patriot uprising takes permanent control over the GOP.
Continue Reading [bigleaguepolitics.com]
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