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When Adobe Stopped Flash Content From Running It Also Stopped a Chinese Railroad

Accepted submission by upstart at 2021-02-07 12:58:25

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When Adobe Stopped Flash Content From Running It Also Stopped A Chinese Railroad []:

Adobe’s Flash, the web browser plug-in that powered so very many crappy games, confusing interfaces, and animated icons of the early web like Homestar Runner is now finally gone, after a long, slow, protracted death. For most of us, this just means that some goofy webgame you searched for out of misplaced nostalgia will no longer run. For a select few in China, though, the death of Flash meant being late to work, because the city of Dalian in northern China was running their railroad system on it. Yes, a railroad, run on Flash, the same thing used to run “free online casinos” and knockoff Breakout games in mortgage re-fi ads.

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