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200 Million Americans Currently HYPNOTIZED and LOBOTOMIZED by Big Food and Big Pharma

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200 Million Americans currently HYPNOTIZED and LOBOTOMIZED by Big Food and Big Pharma []:

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(Natural News []) There are more than 200 million numb and dumb [] American consumers, who’ve watched TV their whole lives and believed that food advertised as healthy actually is. This two-thirds portion of all American adults have no clue that most food is literally designed to cause your body to develop diabetes, cancer, heart disease and dementia. Then, they also have no clue whatsoever that medical doctors and the hospitals they report to only serve up four forms of “medicine” and they’re all corrupt to the core: Lab-concocted prescription medications, vaccines, surgery and chemotherapy.

These are the “Insidious Four” that make Big Food [] and Big Pharma [] the richest industries in the world. They script and fund 99 percent of the advertising you see, and oversee 99 percent of the FDA/CDC regulatory agency decisions. Now, get ready for some mind-blowing statistics.

HALF of all Americans are on prescription drugs right now

Yes, every other American is sucking down chemical medications daily, and one in five of those are under age 12. More than 85 percent of seniors are being dosed with laboratory experimentation known in this country as prescription medication. (And that’s who’s running our country!) You’re probably guessing right now that many of those people take only one drug, but you would be way off. The average American takes 4 different prescriptions daily. It gets worse.

The total number of prescriptions filled for the “numb and dumb” skyrocketed 90 percent in the last 20 years, approaching 5 billion per year. Take one guess which country in the world pays the most for lab-made drugs that, for the most part, don’t really work? Yes, the US pays more than FOUR TIMES the average price in other developed countries, and that’s surpassing $1,200 per person per year.

Prescription drugs cloud and warp your judgment, reason, emotions and the ability to rationalize

Why are we saying that Americans are hypnotized and lobotomized, you may still be wondering (especially if you’re on meds, no offense). That’s okay. Let us explain. The most abused drugs are opiates (think morphine and oxycontin), depressants, and of course stimulants (think ADD & ADHD meds for kids ages 6 – 18). Are you suffering from confusion and mental cloudiness? Are you slow to perform tasks or answer questions? That’s the drugs – the prescription quack meds. This confusion is a short-term side effect that increases with more frequent drug use. Did your doctor just “ramp up” that devilish pharma-concoction for you?

Bouts of insomnia are common among the mass-medicated. Those victims are further medicated to combat the side effects of all the other medications. That’s when anxiety kicks into full gear. Even while taking the medications as directed by the chemical drug slinger (MD), the abused patient becomes very uneasy, worried and constantly nervous about anything and everything.

These lobotomized zombies have no ability to rationalize what’s going on around them. They become hypnotized by the mass media, which turns them into depressed zombies, criminals, drug users or suicidal maniacs. Suicidal feelings increase if you abruptly stop taking the drugs, so that becomes a catch-22 nightmare in itself.

Guess where it all starts? Processed food. GMO food. Sugar and gluten. MSG and aspartame. Bleached foods and tap water. Hormones and antibiotics in milk and meat. That’s how Big Food and Big Pharma collaborate on your health destruction for profit.

The INSIDIOUS FOUR and the history of corruption at the core

“Mainstream medicine” has been distilled down to just four offerings:

#1. Lab-concocted prescription medications

Many Americans will go to multiple doctors, multiple pharmacies, and even forge prescriptions once they become addicted. Some people are buying and selling pharmaceuticals illegally online. Others will rob hospitals (often where they work), pharmacies and even other people’s homes.

#2. Vaccines

You probably heard that the first vaccine invented saved the world from polio, but that was a lie. That’s how the whole insidious vaccine industry [] built their fortune, with the help of propaganda spread by none other than the CDC (Center for Disease Creation []).

#3. Surgery

Without running ultra-expensive diagnostic tests and then operating on 1/2 of America to remove “non-vital” organs, skin, animal fat (clogged arteries), and stones (kidney and gall stones), the American medical industrial complex might collapse. Black Americans are finally speaking out against Black population genocide [] by the vaccine industry.

#4. Chemotherapy

Straight from the gas used to kill millions of Jews in the Holocaust [], comes the formula for chemotherapy. The creators of chemotherapy were German scientists who watched as cancerous tumors receded temporarily, then came back with a vengeance. Chemotherapy has a 96 percent failure rate, and that’s why 75 percent of all doctors in America refuse it for themselves and their own family members. They know.

Read [] for more stories on the toxins in the food supply.

Sources for this article include: [] [] [] []

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