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Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021

Rejected submission by upstart at 2021-03-24 08:21:29

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Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2021 []:

  • Places on a statutory basis a 'national climate objective', which commits to pursue and achieve no later than 2050, the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity-rich, environmentally-sustainable and climate-neutral economy
  • Embeds the process of carbon budgeting into law, Government are required to adopt a series of economy-wide five-year carbon budgets, including sectoral targets for each relevant sector, on a rolling 15-year basis, starting in 2021
  • Actions for each sector will be detailed in the Climate Action Plan, updated annually
  • A National Long Term Climate Action Strategy will be prepared every five years
  • Government Ministers will be responsible for achieving the legally-binding targets for their own sectoral area with each Minister accounting for their performance towards sectoral targets and actions before an Oireachtas Committee each year
  • Strengthens the role of the Climate Change Advisory Council, tasking it with proposing carbon budgets to the Minister
  • Provides that the first two five-year carbon budgets proposed by the Climate Change Advisory Council should equate to a total reduction of 51% emissions over the period to 2030, in line with the Programme for Government commitment
  • Expands the Climate Change Advisory Council from eleven to fourteen members, and provides that future appointments to the Council provide for a greater range of relevant expertise and gender balanced
  • Introduces a requirement for each local authority to prepare a Climate Action Plan, which will include both mitigation and adaptation measures and be updated every five years. Local authority Development Plans will also align with their Climate Action Plan
  • Public Bodies will be obliged to perform their functions in a manner consistent with national climate plans and strategies, and furthering the achievement of the national climate objective

Original Submission