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Could it be the community might actually want systemd?

Accepted submission by Konomi at 2014-11-20 00:50:17
OS [] has recenlty conducted a survey finding many Linux users may be in favour of systemd:

First off lets keep one thing in mind, this was not a professional survey. As such the results need to be taken as nothing more than the opinions of the 4755 individuals who responded. While the survey responses show that 47% of the respondents are in favor of systemd, that does not mean that 47% of the overall linux community is in favor of systemd. The actual value may be higher or lower. This is simply a small capture of our overall community.

Although the author questions the results could this be an indication that we're really seeing a vocal minority who don't want systemd while the silent majority either do or simply don't care? Poll results [] and the original blog post [].

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