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Arkansas Rises in Dangerous Delta Variant of COVID-19. Get a Shot, Dammit. - Arkansas Times

Rejected submission by upstart at 2021-06-26 07:49:03

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Arkansas rises in dangerous Delta variant of COVID-19. Get a shot, dammit. - Arkansas Times []:

While the Delta variant case frequency for US infections is ~20% overall by @CDCgov [], there’s marked heterogeneity among states [] by @nikasgari [] and @jburnmurdoch [] (@FT [] estimates Delta prevalence much higher 37-42%) []

— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) June 23, 2021 []

News continues to come in about Arkansas’s high rate of new COVID-19 cases, low vaccination rate and increasing percentage of the more readily transmissible Delta variant.

Coincidentally, hospitalizations are up, along with cases serious enough to require ICU treatment.

The 3 states–Missouri, Utah, Arkansas–with highest Delta variant prevalence are all increasing in cases, leading the country (still relatively low cases/capita rates), going in the opposite direction as most of the country /2 []

— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) June 23, 2021 []

There are other states with some increase in cases where Delta is out-competing Alpha /3 []

— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) June 23, 2021 []

And the cases is these states represent admixture of the 2 variants in different proportions /4 []

— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) June 23, 2021 []

Dr. Anthony Fauci talked about the Delta variant on NBC’s Today show today [].

He said:

“In several weeks or a month or so, it is going to be quite dominant,” adding, “It’s the unvaccinated people that we’re concerned about…If they are unvaccinated, they are at risk.”

Asked about children under 12, not eligible for shots, he said:

“The best way to protect the children [against variants] is to bring the level of virus circulation in the community down,” urging “adults who are eligible for vaccination to get vaccinated.”

School is coming. Shots are not absolute protection against the virus, though highly effective and the vaccination also reduces the severity of the illness if contracted. States with the lowest vaccination rates face the highest risk of Delta variant spread [].

Don’t be stupid. Get a shot, dammit

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