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We [Almost!] Did it! We Raised 99.987% of SoylentNews' 2021H1 Fundraising Goal!

Accepted submission by martyb at 2021-07-01 15:00:38

I'm calling it a success.

Our fundraising goal for the first half of 2021 was $3,500.00 — according to my calculations we raised $3,499.56 or 99.987% of our goal!

We missed our goal by $0.44, yes just 44 cents!

We received 15 subscriptions on 2021-06-30 alone. When we asked the community to support[*] the site, you did!

But wait; there's more! As of the time of this being written, here were 6 more subscriptions (which netted us $113.82) that came in after the 2021-06-30 23:49:49 UTC cutoff. These will be applied towards fundraising for the 2nd half of the year.

[*] Support is more than money. A big thank you to those who submit stories, write comments, moderate comments, and freely give their time to edit stories and support the systems which, together, make this a community!

Yes, we faced some challenges, but we've met them. And, through the adversity, I'd dare say it has pulled us together and made us stronger!

NB: I'll leave up the fundraising status (which show our) end-of-first-half totals for a few days, so everyone gets a chance to see them.

Lastly, I count it a privilege and distinct honor to serve the community as its Editor-in-Chief. Thank you for your encouragement and support!

Site Fundraising Status -- Almost There -- Today is Last Day of 2021H1 [UPDATES: 4] []

Original Submission