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ZZ Top Icon Dusty Hill Has Died at the Age of 72, Band Says

Rejected submission by upstart at 2021-07-29 08:08:48

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ZZ Top icon Dusty Hill has died at the age of 72, band says []:

ZZ Top icon Dusty Hill has died at the age of 72, band says

HOUSTON – ZZ Top has shared the sad news that its bassist Dusty Hill has died at his home in Houston Wednesday at the age of 72.

“We are saddened by the news today that our Compadre, Dusty Hill, has passed away in his sleep at home in Houston, TX. We, along with legions of ZZ Top fans around the world, will miss your steadfast presence, your good nature and enduring commitment to providing that monumental bottom to the ‘Top’. We will forever be connected to that “Blues Shuffle in C.”You will be missed greatly, amigo. Frank & Billy”

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