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Peloton treadmill owners will be able to run again without a subscription

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2021-08-05 20:29:18 from the internet-of-things-you-don't-actually-own dept.
Digital Liberty

From Engadget []
Peloton treadmill owners will be able to run again without a subscription []
The company temporarily limited access to prevent accidents.

After a spate of accidents on its Tread+ treadmill, Peloton temporarily moved the basic running mode of Tread+ behind a paywall so non-authorized users couldn't gain access. Now, all users will be able to use the "Just Run" feature without a subscription [...]

[...] after several reports of injuries and one death. The company subsequently released a software update that required a passcode to use the basic running mode, but the feature was only available to subscribers.

[...] The Tread Lock feature locks the device if you haven't used the treadmill in 45 seconds and aren't in a class. You then need to input a four-digit code before it can be used again.

[...] While the update was inconvenient for non-subscribers who purchased the $4,000+ devices, Peloton did make it possible to do basic running without paying.

Putting the primary function of an expensive product behind a paywall is a way to prevent accidents.

Original Submission