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Apple "Double Agent" Snitched on Company Leakers and Others for No Reward

Accepted submission by takyon at 2021-08-18 23:17:23 from the he-does-it-for-free dept.

Apple's Double Agent []

For more than a year, an active member of a community that traded in illicitly obtained internal Apple documents and devices was also acting as an informant for the company.

On Twitter and in Discord channels for the loosely defined Apple "internal" community that trades leaked information and stolen prototypes, he advertised leaked apps, manuals, and stolen devices for sale. But unbeknownst to other members in the community, he shared with Apple personal information of people who sold stolen iPhone prototypes from China, Apple employees who leaked information online, journalists who had relationships with leakers and sellers [], and anything that he thought the company would find interesting and worth investigating.

​​Andrey Shumeyko, also known as YRH04E [] and JVHResearch online, decided to share his story because he felt that Apple took advantage of him and should have compensated him for providing the company this information.

Also at Wccftech [].

Original Submission