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Heist Team Allegedly Stole $691,100 From Drug Dealer by Using an Apple Watch as a Tracker

Rejected submission by upstart at 2021-08-19 15:36:07

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Heist Team Allegedly Stole $691,100 From Drug Dealer by Using an Apple Watch as a Tracker []:

Photo: Philippe Lopez, Getty Images

Food for thought for aspiring child spies: there are probably good use cases for turning an Apple Watch into a tracking device. Related advice for adults: do not — I don’t know how many times I have to tell you — use an Apple Watch to conduct a massive drug-related robbery.

The Department of Justice has stated that the leader of a seven-person crew of tech innovators used an Apple Watch to track and rob a suspected drug dealer of over $US500,000 ($691,100). In a motion to oppose [] the leader’s bail request, DOJ attorneys write that the group stuck the device on the dealer’s bumper and tracked him to Hartford, CT. The group apparently did not consider the fact that prosecutors can subpoena all their cell phone records, and the victim’s, and that of the watch.

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