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Coffee May Reduce Risk of Death From Stroke and Heart Disease

Accepted submission by upstart at 2021-08-28 03:17:58

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from the coffee++ dept.

Coffee may reduce risk of death from stroke and heart disease []:

Coffee may reduce risk of death from stroke and heart disease

Among people with no diagnosis of heart disease, regular coffee consumption of 0.5 to 3 cups of coffee a day was associated with a decreased risk of death from heart disease, stroke and early death from any cause when compared to non-coffee drinkers.

The study, presented Friday at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology, examined the coffee drinking behavior of over 468,000 people who participate in the UK Biobank Study, which houses in-depth genetic and health information on more than a half a million Brits.

Adds to prior research

It's another home run for coffee consumption. Studies have found drinking moderate amounts of coffee can protect adults from type 2 diabetes, [] Parkinson's disease, liver disease [], prostate cancer, []Alzheimer's [], computer back pain [] and more.


Original Submission