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Microsoft may withhold security updates from unsupported Windows 11 PCs

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2021-08-30 15:49:38 from the planned obsolescence dept.
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There are still a lot of question marks about running Windows 11 on unsupported hardware. We know that Microsoft won't go to extraordinary lengths to keep you from running it [], we know that the new OS won't be offered to older PCs automatically using Windows Update, and we know that although Microsoft's preferred security settings can degrade performance on older hardware [], those settings still won't be the defaults for new installs. But now, Microsoft has added another question to that list: Will unsupported PCs be able to get updates?

The company hasn't out and out refused to offer updates for PCs that don't meet the official requirements, but Microsoft told the Verge [] that old PCs running Windows 11 wouldn't be "entitled" to Windows Updates, including security and driver updates. Assuming Windows 11 receives major updates once every six months or so, as Windows 10 does, those releases may also need to be installed manually on unsupported computers.

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