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Massive controlled COVID vaccine safety study

Accepted submission by Beryllium Sphere (r) at 2021-09-02 01:46:46

Journal reference: []

We already had safety data from samples of tens of thousands in the Phase 3 trials. What's new here is the size, and one of the increased risks is one I had not heard of before.

Israel somehow found a control group of more than 884,000 unvaccinated people. They matched them to a comparable sample of vaccinated people the same size, and asked the right question, which is does a bad thing happen more often for vaccinated people or is it just what you'd expect statistically?

"Vaccination was most strongly associated with an elevated risk of myocarditis (risk ratio, 3.24; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.55 to 12.44; risk difference, 2.7 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 1.0 to 4.6), lymphadenopathy (risk ratio, 2.43; 95% CI, 2.05 to 2.78; risk difference, 78.4 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 64.1 to 89.3), appendicitis (risk ratio, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.01; risk difference, 5.0 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 0.3 to 9.9), and herpes zoster infection (risk ratio, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.20 to 1.73; risk difference, 15.8 events per 100,000 persons; 95% CI, 8.2 to 24.2)."

Those are the risk ratios. The absolute levels are all in the per-million range, though 160 per million for herpes zoster is approaching per-thousand. That's the one I hadn't known about.

The word "neuropathy" doesn't appear when I search the paper, so maybe they've ruled it out as an effect. I know this is a real issue for someone in our Soylent community. But if they didn't include people with existing neuropathy, it sheds no light.

They also include data on the side effects of a COVID infection. Eep. To avoid that I'll raise my chance of appendicitis 40%.

Original Submission