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Solar Team Eindhoven — Transitioning to a Future Powered by the Sun

Rejected submission by upstart at 2021-09-12 04:39:58

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Solar Team Eindhoven — Transitioning to a future powered by the sun []:

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

TU/e educates students and advances knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. The university integrates education and research to enable students and scientists to become thought leaders and to design and achieve the unimaginable. In close collaboration with public and private partners, basic research is translated into meaningful solutions. Solar Team Eindhoven was founded in 2012 by TU/e students and has since then always received immense support for the development of the previous four solar vehicles. TU/e will proudly continue to support Solar Team Eindhoven with the development of the fifth solar vehicle by sharing knowledge, facilities and by together bridging the gap between real-life solutions and technological innovation.


Original Submission