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CT scan of a pumpkin

Accepted submission by owl at 2021-10-31 19:10:22
/dev/random []

We performed a CT scan on a pumpkin, October 2016. The pumpkin was 28 cm in diameter, and weighed 5.9 kg. If seeing this on your phone, I suggest bookmarking for viewing images later on a large screen; images on a phone may be limited.

It was scanned on a GE Revolution CT machine. The scan was performed using technique optimized for human extremities, and employed very thin slice thickness of 600 microns. The detail provided by these scans is exquisite. Why scan a pumpkin? Well, firstly, I enjoy occasionally scanning non-human things. I was also encouraged by Twitter user @Zedsquared who spontaneously asked me, "Does a CT scan of a pumpkin pick up nice patterns from the seeds?" Probably. I looked into it. A pumpkin has been scanned before, at a university in Wales. Here is a video, from 2012, moderate resolution. I decided to have a go at it as well, and thought we'd be able to produce some very good images with optimized parameters.

Original Submission