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Survey finds the drunkest country, and it's NOT the US

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2021-12-03 20:28:57 from the prohibition-is-prohibited dept.

Global survey finds the drunkest country in the world — and it's not the US []

An international survey measuring alcohol and drug use in 2020 found Australians were intoxicated more times on average than any other country in the world.

The Global Drug Survey, [] which asked 32,000 people across 22 countries questions about their substance use, found that the average Australian consumed alcohol to the point of drunkenness nearly 27 times last year. And slightly more than a quarter of Australians surveyed said they felt regret.

Denmark and Finland followed closely behind Australia with residents in each nation getting drunk around 24 times in 2020. The U.S. and the U.K round out the top 5. Americans said they were intoxicated around 23 times while people in the U.K. noted they were inebriated more than 22 times.

Respondents across the globe on average said they experienced feelings of intoxication more than 14 times last year or slightly more than once a month. Globally, the top reason for regret, respondents said, was that they drank too much too quickly.

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