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NSO Software used to hack US Diplomats in Uganda

Accepted submission by Mykl at 2021-12-07 02:44:19 from the One person's hack is another's security dept.

The iPhones of 9 US State Department officials were infected by malware [] developed and sold by the Israeli exploit firm NSO Group [].

The US officials, either stationed in Uganda or focusing on issues related to that country, received warnings ... from Apple informing them their iPhones were being targeted by hackers. Citing unnamed people with knowledge of the attacks, Reuters said the hackers used software from NSO

An NSO spokesperson said in a statement that after learning of the allegations by Reuters, it immediately terminated the responsible customer’s access to its system while it looks into the matter

NSO Group says that they only sell to Governments, but what if your government is really into hacking the phones of their opponents (as opposed to the official "national security" reason given for this software)?

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