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Dogs Know When You're Speaking a Different Language -- and Talking Nonsense

Accepted submission by upstart at 2022-01-09 12:43:11

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Dogs know when you're speaking a different language -- and talking nonsense []:

Dogs know when you're speaking a different language -- and talking nonsense

A version of this story appeared in CNN's Wonder Theory newsletter. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free here []. Tell us what you'd like to see more of in the newsletter at [mailto].

The idea of being able to speak to creatures in their own distinct language was a thrilling prospect. And then there were veterinarians like Dr. James Herriot and his treasury of tales that showed he truly understood the nature of animals.

Now, while working from home and spending more time with our pets, perhaps we've reached a form of understanding that crosses the linguistic barrier.

There are times when you just know your pet is trying to say something -- like when my cat wants to eat something different or listen to the dulcet tones of a British period drama (she prefers "Downton Abbey").

But even more fascinating is the idea that we're not entirely different -- that we share things in common, some of which used to be considered strictly human qualities. By recognizing our own traits in animals [], we can understand them better.

Original Submission