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Lenovo Could Make a Move Into Semiconductor Design

Accepted submission by takyon at 2022-01-30 02:20:46

Lenovo invests nearly US$50 million into its chip-design ambitions []

A new company called Dingdao Zhixin [] has been registered as a business entity in Shanghai, China as of January 26, 2022. According to its new listings, it will concern itself with PC hardware, software and some retail equipment - not to mention the sale and design of integrated circuits.

The establishment of a new firm in this sector would be interesting enough, and gets even more so in the wake of reports that this company is in fact wholly owned by Lenovo China. Therefore, this subsidiary might be an early sign that this OEM has ambitions of matching other companies like Apple with its M-series of in-house processors.

Also at WRAL TechWire [] (Lenovo is headquartered in Beijing and Morrisville, North Carolina).

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