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IRS Plan to Scan Your Face

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2022-01-30 03:00:24
Digital Liberty

Starting this summer, you’ll need to provide a video of your face to access the agency’s website. It’s a major expansion of the use of facial recognition software by the government, and Congress is not amused []:

Millions of Americans could soon have to scan their faces to access their Internal Revenue Service tax accounts, one of the government’s biggest expansions yet of facial recognition software into people’s everyday lives.

For now, taxpayers can still file their returns the old-fashioned way; the IRS began accepting returns for 2021 earnings on Monday, encouraging electronic filing.

But by this summer, anyone wanting to access their records — including details about child tax credits, payment plans or tax transcripts — on the IRS website [] could be required to record a video of their face with their computer or smartphone, and send it to the private contractor [] to confirm their identity.

[...] The partnership with has drawn anger from some members of Congress, including Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who tweeted [] that he was “very disturbed” by the plan and would push the IRS for “greater transparency.” Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) called it “a very, very bad idea by the IRS” that would “further weaken Americans’ privacy.” The Senate Finance Committee is working to schedule briefings with the IRS and on the issue, a committee aide said.

“No one should be forced to submit to facial recognition as a condition of accessing essential government services," Wyden said in a separate statement. "I’m continuing to seek more information about and other identity verification systems being used by federal agencies.”

A Treasury official said Friday that the department was “looking into” alternatives to, saying Treasury and the IRS always are interested in improving “taxpayers experience.”

Originally spotted on The Eponymous Pickle [].

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