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SpaceX rolls outs ‘premium’ Starlink satellite internet tier at $500 per month

Accepted submission by DannyB at 2022-02-02 18:39:04 from the look-up-in-the-sky-its-a-bird-its-a-plane dept.
Digital Liberty

SpaceX rolls outs ‘premium’ Starlink satellite internet tier at $500 per month []

paceX has quietly rolled out a new, more powerful “premium” tier of its Starlink satellite internet service that’s targeted at businesses and enterprise customers.

The new product, which was added to the company’s website Tuesday night, comes at five times the cost of the consumer-focused standard service. Starlink Premium requires a $500 refundable deposit, a $2,500 fee for the antenna and router, and the service costs $500 per month.

The standard Starlink service, [] which launched in October 2020, has a $99 refundable deposit, a $499 hardware fee and the service costs $99 per month.

[....] Starlink Premium also offers “unlimited service locations” flexibility. Unlike the standard product, which only guarantees service at a specific service address, SpaceX says Starlink Premium is capable of connecting from anywhere.

SpaceX’s new Starlink Premium tier promises up to 500Mbps for $500 a month []

SpaceX’s satellite internet service Starlink is getting a pricey new high-performance tier called Starlink Premium. [] Announced by SpaceX founder Elon Musk, [] the new service includes a larger high performance antenna and advertises speeds of between 150 and 500Mbps (20 to 40ms latency), up from the 50 to 250Mbps (20 to 40ms latency) promised by its regular service. Premium also claims roughly double the upload speeds at 20 to 40Mbps, compared to 10 to 20Mbps for the standard tier.

This increase in performance doesn’t come cheap. While the base Starlink service costs $499 for the hardware and $99 a month, Starlink Premium will cost $2,500 for the antenna, and $500 a month. Deliveries are due to start in the second quarter of this year. There’s also a $500 deposit to reserve a Premium dish. Starlink’s website says the new tier is targeting “small offices, storefronts, and super users across the globe.”

A large enough constellation of satellites will ensure Starlink is a smashing success.

See Also:

SpaceX launches Starlink Premium internet plan, and it's not cheap []

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