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Online Maps and the Apple Stalking Incident

Accepted submission by NPC-131072 at 2022-02-02 23:07:49 from the pixelating your privates dept.

Apple CEO Tim Cook targeted by possibly armed stalker who came to his home and is still in the area, company alleges []

Apple has been granted a restraining order against a Virginia woman it said has been stalking Apple CEO Tim Cook for more than a year, emailing him photos of a loaded pistol and trespassing at his home, according to court filings.

In its application, Apple accused the woman of "erratic, threatening, and bizarre behavior." The company included in the application copies of photos, emails and tweets purporting to come from the woman. Apple said in the application that it believes the woman "may be armed and is still in the South Bay Area and intends to return to (Cook's) residence or locate him otherwise in the near future."

How to blur out your home in Apple Maps and Google Maps []

Tim Cook's plush home in Palo Alto, California, has been blurred out inside Apple Maps and Google Maps [] -- likely because of an alleged stalking incident []. If you enter his address, you’ll see nothing but a gigantic, pixelated wall.

But this kind of digital scrubbing isn't reserved for top CEOs and celebrities. In fact, anyone can quite easily get their own home hidden from online maps. All you need to do is ask Apple and Google to conceal the locations. We’ll show you how.

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