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A New Artificial Intelligence Traffic Light Could Help Shorten Your Commute Times

Accepted submission by owl at 2022-02-03 19:45:27
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Ask any nerd and they’ll say artificial intelligence is taking over. That may not always be for the best, but finally it seems the tech is being put to good use – in traffic lights.

A new study out of Germany says having traffic lights use AI technology may keep traffic flowing faster and smoother. That means I won’t have to wait at intersections longer than I have to, which is a plus if you’re as impatient as I am.

One of the partners in the study with an aggressively German name – the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation – recently installed high-resolution cameras and radar sensors at a busy intersection with a traffic light in the city of Lemgo, according to New Atlas. The setup recorded the number of vehicles waiting for the light to change, the amount of time each of them had to wait and the average speed a vehicle drove through the intersection.

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