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FreeDOS 1.3 released

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2022-02-21 11:36:57
The new FreeDOS 1.3 which is a MS-DOS compatible free software operating system is now available for download. "This contains a bunch of great new features and improvements since the 1.2 release, including: new FreeCOM 0.85a, new Kernel 2043 and an 8086 version with FAT32 support, floppy Edition now uses compression and requires about half as many diskettes, the return of networking, some new programs and games, many many many package updates, some updates and improvements to NLS, improved install process, especially with the MBR, some support to automatically set the COUNTRY.SYS information, improved CD initialization for the boot media and installed system, .. and much, much more", including a Live mode on the CD. Get it from the official FreeDOS site [].

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