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Driver that promised faster Ethereum mining for Nvidia GPUs is full of viruses

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2022-02-25 19:07:06 from the too good to be true dept.
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Both Nvidia and AMD have made changes to their gaming GPU lineups in an effort to make them less appealing to cryptocurrency miners, including releasing mining-specific GPU models [] and making entry-level GPUs with specs that aren't good enough for mining []. One of the most significant changes came in mid-2021, when Nvidia released "Lite Hash Rate" (LHR) versions of its RTX 3000-series GPUs [] that halved their performance when mining Ethereum or similar coins but didn't affect their gaming performance.
a hacker by the name of Sergey released an "Nvidia RTX LHR v2 Unlocker" that promised to remove the hash-rate limits on most Nvidia cards using a combination of BIOS updates and specially modified drivers.

Surprising no one, the sketchy drivers with the too-good-to-be-true performance promises turned out to be full of viruses []. An extensive report [] shows that the software package modifies Windows Powershell policies, deletes and creates new files in system directories, and causes abnormally high CPU usage, among other things.

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