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Valve does what FromSoftware don’t, thanks to Steam Deck’s precaching update

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2022-03-09 15:25:20 from the show me the cache dept.
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While Elden Ring's recent launch has been a massive critical [] and commercial [] success, it continues developer FromSoftware's streak of leaving players in a technical lurch. Even on the newest Xbox and PlayStation consoles or the highest-end PCs, Elden Ring still manages to turn in a somewhat unsteady performance for various reasons.

In the case of one unoptimized aspect of the game's PC version, someone outside FromSoftware has swooped in to save the day. Usually, this kind of PC gaming story comes thanks to enterprising modders [] from the gaming community at large []. In Elden Ring's case, however, the fix comes courtesy of an unlikely source: Valve, the massive company that runs the Steam storefront.

And Valve's fix, so far, only works on Steam Deck [].

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