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Biden order floats US-issued digital currency as safer alternative to bitcoin

Accepted submission by Freeman at 2022-03-09 23:03:18 from the tracking and control dept.
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President Joe Biden today issued an executive order [] that could lead to the US creating a digital currency.

"My Administration places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency]," the executive order said. "These efforts should include assessments of possible benefits and risks for consumers, investors, and businesses; financial stability and systemic risk; payment systems; national security; the ability to exercise human rights; financial inclusion and equity; and the actions required to launch a United States CBDC if doing so is deemed to be in the national interest."

Biden's order said a US-issued digital currency could be used to "support efficient and low-cost transactions, particularly for cross‑border funds transfers and payments, and to foster greater access to the financial system, with fewer of the risks posed by private sector-administered digital assets" such as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But there are "potential risks and downsides to consider," and Biden ordered federal agencies to prepare a report within six months analyzing the implications. Over 100 countries are already "exploring or piloting" CBDCs, the White House said.

Biden also ordered [] government agencies to develop policies for managing cryptocurrencies that already exist.

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