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Microsoft Class Action cheque arrived today!

Accepted submission by Appalbarry at 2022-09-07 15:49:22 from the If I were Rich Man... dept.

Several years ago I read about and applied to join a class action lawsuit against Microsoft for something bad that they did. I didn't honestly remember just what they were accused of doing, but lo and behold the cheque arrived today! $128 Canadian.

The page describing the suit [] says:

"The Class Action lawsuits were commenced in British Columbia, Ontario and Québec, but include Canadian residents in all provinces and territories. The Class Actions alleged that Microsoft and Microsoft Canada were involved in a conspiracy to illegally increase prices for certain Microsoft products."

You were potentially a Class Member if you were a Canadian resident as of May 25, 2016 who, between December 23, 1998 and March 11, 2010 (inclusive), purchased a license for: PC versions of Microsoft’s Word, Excel, Office, Works Suite, or Home Essentials applications software (including any full upgrade versions); OR Microsoft’s MS-DOS or Windows operating systems software.

I will note that "The settling defendants do not admit, and expressly deny, any wrongdoing or liability."

Though the maximum settlement amount that will be available as compensation to members of these Class Actions will be $409,936,100 CAD.

Imagine the bill if Microsoft had admitted liability!

Original Submission