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Journalist Sues Predator Spyware Maker for Allegedly Helping Government Surveil Him

Accepted submission by fliptop at 2022-10-19 15:35:37
Digital Liberty

A Greek financial journalist is one of several who believe they have been targeted for surveillance by the nation's government [] with the help of Intellexa:

In late March 2021, Thanasis Koukakis was notified by a team of digital researchers that his phone had been infected with malware. A reporter who typically covers finance, Koukakis had been in the midst of investigating corruption issues when his device was infected. Research later showed that his phone had been under surveillance [] for approximately two months.

It turned out that he had been targeted with “Predator,” [] a commercial spyware capable of infiltrating mobile phones and stealing pretty much everything inside of them—videos, pictures, text messages, search history, passwords, call logs, and more. Like a lot of other commercial spyware tools, Predator is typically sold to high-paying government clients—in this case, by a company called Cytrox []. A secretive surveillance firm based in North Macedonia, Cytrox is owned by an Israeli parent company called Intellexa.

[...] The Greek government has, however, admitted to spying on Koukakis. In a parliamentary committee hearing in August, the head of the Greek equivalent of the CIA confessed that his agency [] had surveilled the journalist. However, the government has denied [] that it uses Predator or maintains any association with Intellexa.

Some interesting comments [] on Bruce Schneier's blog. Originally spotted on The Eponymous Pickle [].

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